Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Winners and Losers - Election 2010

In all walks of life there has to be winners and losers, this is true also in politics. So who made out like Bandits and who are walking away with the consolation prizes?

Politician of the Campaign
: 2 weeks in it would have gone to Cleggover, but for his consistency and clarity of message and for being one of the calmest heads in the post election maelstrom, step forward...Michael Gove

Moment of the Campaign : It has to be 'Bigotgate'. Has a moment ever summed up the problem with a party and a particular politician such as this? It might not have had much of a polling impact but it will never be forgotten. If Brown had spoken about my Nan like that he'd have needed a few more people on his close protection team. Poor old Mrs Duffy.

Journalist of the Campaign
: Honourable mentions must go to Andrew Neil and Jeff Randall, the two most feared journalists in Broadcasting who always manage to ask the questions the politicians dread. But my award goes to Adam Boulton for finally cutting through New Labours spin, smears and innuendos and exposing people like Bad Al Campbell and Ben Bradshaw for being mendacious bastards.

News Channel of the Campaign : While I enjoyed election night in HD, I'm going to have to plump for GUY NEWS! In what was supposed to be the internet election, this was one of the few net highlights.

Blogger of the Campaign
: I have to give it to Guido. He might be mainstream but he still manages to be the most underground blogger around with impeccable sources throughout the whole political sphere. His comment pages tend to make '2 Girls/1 Cup' seem civilised at times but it's his own posts that make him the first blog to load up when you log on every day.

Top Totty of the Campaign : This one was easy. That wee Scottish pixie, Laura Kuennsberg. A winning combination of an accent that makes Uncle Bob go weak at the knees and a very dirty smile (as well as being one of the best 'on the ground' reporters at the moment) means that there's a space for her on (or over!) my knee.

The Big Winners - Obviously Dave Cameron gets a look in, finally achieving what few of us dared to hope for tonight, but my winner is You...and me, helll, the whole country! The Gorgon's gone...finally!

The Big Loser I could have picked Brown, Labour, Blinky's leadership ambitions but instead I've opted for a man who thought he could control everything but turns out he couldn't spin a top anymore...the Dark Lord himself, Baron Mandleson of Foy and Hartlepool, First secretary of state, Business and University Secretary, Spinner Excselsior. His plans are in tatters and he can bother our country no more. Rejoice!

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